All incentivesSmart & Start
Supporting Innovative Startups
MD 24 September 2014, Official Journal n. 264 13 November 2014
Designed to support the establishment and growth of new businesses in the digital economy, to strengthen the value of the fruits gained from scientific and technological research and to lure back eminent Italian talent from abroad.
Teams looking to establish innovative Startups
and Foreign companies planning expansion to Italy.
Interest-free loans to cover capital investment and operating costs related to starting a business. Startups based in the South of Italy or in the areas affected by the Aquila earthquake repay only 80% of the funding. New Startups established in the last 12 months are further supported with technical and managerial mentoring
The loan amount can cover up to 80% of expenses (maximum €1.2 million), if the Startup consists entirely of people under the age of 36 or women, or includes at least one Italian PhD who has been permanently engaged abroad. In all other cases, the loan amount can cover up to 70% of expenses (maximum €1.05 million)
The investment shall terminate within 2 years from the signature of the loan contract. Innovative Startups must have been established for less than 48 months. Funds from the loan will only be released for expenses actually incurred, following a request from the startups, for an amount not less than 20% of the eligible costs
Applications can be made online according to the procedures and through forms available on the Invitalia website.