Real Estate
Prestigious assets
in Tuscany
A Priceless Architectural Heritage
Synonymous with Italian design and style, land of magnificent landscapes and architecture, Tuscany is a region of many treasures. With current real estate assets equal to 650 million euros, the region has a broad offering of historic buildings and prestigious sites available. Real property of value, where every stone, every detail, every material is a witness to a past that remains timeless. These include the Villa Basilewsky in Florence (sold), the former Ospedale del Mugello in Luco di Mugello and many others to follow.
Real Estate Assets
Current real estate assets equal to 650 million euros.
Real estate Agricultural and Forest Assets (PAFR)
109.000 hectares of territory, 22 building distributed in many parts of Tuscany and 52 Complex.
The Property of the Region of Tuscany
Corso Gramsci 110 in Pistoia, Via Roma 3 in Pisa
and Former Hospital in Luco del Mugello.
4 B
euro of annual revenues
2nd Place
in Italy for investments
scheduled for urban development
19.7 %
investments by non-Tuscans
who have bought homes
in the region
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- Firenze GFA 4.400
- Vivarelli Colonna
- RSA / Senior House
- Arezzo GFA 184
- Carbonaia Area - Municipality of Arezzo
- Logistics / Industrial
- GFA 324.500
- Livorno - Logistic park
- GFA 2.550
- Villa Filicaia and Farm house
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Are you interested in buying Properties?
The Regional Government of Tuscany intends to launch an informal alliance with (subjects) interested in the purchase/enhancing of valuable properties owned by the Region of Tuscany and the Health Authorities of Tuscany.This notice is intended to establish a possible interest to purchase the properties covered by the notice and thus constitutes a simple invitation to express interest in purchasing.