New record for geothermal energy production in Tuscany

New record for geothermal energy production in Tuscany

As reported by Think Geoenergy “Geothermal energy production in Tuscany has reached yet another record in the past year of 2016. With 34 geothermal power plants in operation in the region in 2016, production increased by 51 GWh to 5,871 GWh of produced...
Port of Leghorn: inaugurated a new rail terminal

Port of Leghorn: inaugurated a new rail terminal

As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore “A plan to turn the port of Leghorn (in Italian known as Livorno) into one of the peninsula’s major freight stations took a big step forward with the opening of a new terminal. Cost of the work was around €40 million, and it...
Easier Italian visas for investors Italian Budget Law

Easier Italian visas for investors Italian Budget Law

January, 2nd, 2017. As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore “The new Italian Budget Law provides a series of incentives related to the entry and residence visas for those intending to invest in Italy, as well as an improvement of the tax regime for employees transferring...