The Student Hotel announces its second hotel in Florence

The Student Hotel announces its second hotel in Florence

As reported by, “The Student Hotel group has announced the acquisition of its second site in Florence with plans to begin construction in 2018 and open in September 2019.  It will be the company’s fourth hotel in Italy. Located in Viale...
HPE activates a smart city lab in Florence

HPE activates a smart city lab in Florence

As reported by Toscana24 last week “An innovative technology lab to design projects and prototypes of new services: it is the First Lab (Florence Smart working Lab), promoted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise, CRF Foundation and University of Florence together with a...
Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous

Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous

DISCOVER TUSCANY: INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND YACHTING TOURISM A WORKSHOP AT THE NEXT VERSILIA YAUCHTING RENDEZ-VOUS IN VIAREGGIO Invest in Tuscany and Toscana Promozione Turistica will be present on Friday the 12th of May with a workshop dedicated to the investment...
MTorres acquires Universal Tissue Technology M&A

MTorres acquires Universal Tissue Technology M&A

The Spanish group MTORRES has recently announced the acquisition of UNIVERSAL TISSUE TECHNOLOGY Srl,  a Tuscany-based Company operating in the tissue industry for complete automatic converting lines located near Lucca. The company will operate under the name of...
Braccialini begins its relaunch with Graziella

Braccialini begins its relaunch with Graziella

Braccialini begins a new journey with Graziella and is preparing to enter the foreign market. The leather goods brand, acquired last February for € 6 million by the Arezzo jewellery company, following a preventative agreement among creditors, restarts with the newco...