HPE activates a smart city lab in Florence
As reported by Toscana24 last week “An innovative technology lab to design projects and prototypes of new services: it is the First Lab (Florence Smart working Lab), promoted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise, CRF Foundation and University of Florence together with a...
Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous
DISCOVER TUSCANY: INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND YACHTING TOURISM A WORKSHOP AT THE NEXT VERSILIA YAUCHTING RENDEZ-VOUS IN VIAREGGIO Invest in Tuscany and Toscana Promozione Turistica will be present on Friday the 12th of May with a workshop dedicated to the investment...
MTorres acquires Universal Tissue Technology M&A
The Spanish group MTORRES has recently announced the acquisition of UNIVERSAL TISSUE TECHNOLOGY Srl, a Tuscany-based Company operating in the tissue industry for complete automatic converting lines located near Lucca. The company will operate under the name of...