Invest in Tuscany,
Invest in Values
Is not just a book to be browsed on electronic devices: the e-book is divided into 16 chapters, each one dedicated to one of the multinational companies present in the area and is designed as a portal providing access to a series of multimedia products

The Tuscan commitment against coronavirus.
Stories of research, reconversion, solidarity and new possibilities for companies and people.
Why invest in Tuscany?
There are at least 7 good reasons
to locate your business in Tuscany
1. A dynamic and diversified economy. Thanks to a per capita GDP higher than the national and European averages, and a deep-rooted tradition in the production, design, and marketing of Made in Italy products. 2. A vast pool of talent. Ensured by the excellent university system capable of guaranteeing a higher level of education and research than the national average. 3. Central location in Italy and in the Mediterranean basin. Easy access to a large consumer market.
4. A regional government “open for business”. The Tuscan regional system has always shown particular attention to promoting legislation in support of investors. 5. In the region of Tuscany, the cost of living is highly competitive: costs are lower than the national and European average. 6. Key sectors. An economic environment that includes Life Science, Fashion, Digital & ICT, Yacht Building, Logistics, Agribusiness, Tourism, Smart Industry, Transport & Mobility, and Prestigious Assets. 7. An Outstanding quality of life. In terms of the environment, health, safety, leisure, business, and employment… Tuscany offers a unique cultural and natural environment, perfect for attracting and retaining top talent.
An incentive is a key,a tiny object with
astonishing power to change a situation
Have a reliable and comfortable assessment
with our partners and set up your business in Tuscany
Resouces & tools
Useful guides and tips to approach
to Tuscany’s business world
Business Locations
Enterprise landing locations
to set up in Tuscany
Tuscany has so much
to offer
Start up your business in one
of the most attractive and smart regions in Italy
A dynamic and diversified economy
A vast pool
of talent
Central location in Italy and in the Mediterranean basin
A regional government open to business
An Outstanding quality of life

Invest in Tuscany
Overview of the regional
context and its opportunities
Capital city
A region internationally renowned for
Fashion and Made in Italy, tourism (historic sites, art cities,
nature), processed and agricultural products
(ceramics, precious metals, wine, olive oil…)
quality of life
Manufacturing tradition
Industrial districts: fashion-design, textiles, marble, wood,
furniture, paper, boat building, jewelry
Skills, research, development & innovation
3 universities (Florence, Pisa, Siena), 5 institutes of higher education, 5 technology clusters, 17 National Research Council (CNR) institutes FDIs: > 500 Foreign Multinationals
10 main cities
Florence, Pisa, Livorno, Lucca, Siena, Pistoia, Arezzo,
Grosseto, Massa, and Prato.
3 international ports
Livorno, Piombino, Carrara
2 main international airports with more than forty destinations
Florence, Pisa
Among the busiest routes are Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam,
Munich, Zurich, Madrid, London, and Brussels.
Area km2
3.7 M
32 B
Export Euro
GDP per Capita
Life Sciences
Yacht Building

Smart Industry

Transport & Mobility
Prestigious Assets
Business Locations
Green Innovation Press Tour
Incontro con la stampa estera di Roma
Invest in Tuscany Anniversary
Italian employment measures provided by the public authority within the frame of the Covid-19 emergency