Annual Meeting 2019

Annual Meeting 2019

One day dedicated to business and investments, in Italy, of course, and in Tuscany in particular. Our network composed of many smart people. A marvelous location like The Student Hotel, in Florence. Invest in Tuscany #AnnualMeeting remind us once again how much...
The Sense: an exclusive resort in Follonica

The Sense: an exclusive resort in Follonica

Nine months of work and an investment of 17 million euros to give life to a dream: “The Sense. Experience Resort”. Surrounded by nature, in Follonica, on the coast of Pratoranieri Tourist District, in the space that until 2016 housed the summer colony owned by the...
LVMH acquires Villa San Michele and Castle of Casole

LVMH acquires Villa San Michele and Castle of Casole

The luxury giant LVMH has surprisingly announced the purchase of the group Belmond specialized in high-end hotels (46, of which 12 in Europe) and travel (Orient Express trains and cruise ships), behind a cash offer of 2.6 billion dollars. Belmond has a strong presence...
Human Company tourism vision

Human Company tourism vision

Human Company, the Tuscan group leader in open air tourism, for the next summer season offers over 900 open positions in Italy in its nine structures including villages, family parks and camping in town in Tuscany (Florence, Chianti and San Vincenzo), Lazio (Rome) and...
Gioconda takes stake in Bluclad

Gioconda takes stake in Bluclad

The Italian subsidiary of LBO France, Gioconda, has taken a stake in Bluclad, Italian specialist in developing chemical solutions for the galvanisation of metal used in the luxury goods sector, mainly for clothing, footwear and luggage. Founded in 2008 and based in...
Municipia (Engineering group) acquires Kiunsys

Municipia (Engineering group) acquires Kiunsys

Kiunsys s.r.l., a spin off company of University of Pisa, has been acquired by Municipia, an Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa Group’s company. Specialized in technologies for Smart Mobility, Smart Parking and City Logistics, Kiunsys provides smart...