Enel Green Power – world leader in the generation of energy from renewable resources, with a productive capacity of more than 30 billion kWh – invests €120 million to strengthen its geothermal assets in Tuscany. At the end of 2014, the group announced the completion of the linkage between the new geothermal plant in the municipalities of Santa Flora and Arcidosso (in the Grosseto province) and the national electric network.

The investment is part of the development plans for Enel Green Power’s geothermal segment, whose 2014-18 industrial plan includes a €600 million commitment to energy generated underground. The company is active in Tuscany with 34 power plants for an annual generation of 5.5 TWh: the average annual consumption of 1.9 million families.

The new plant has an installed power of 40 MW and, at full regime, it can generate 310 million KWh per year, with an estimated yearly savings of 70,000 tons of oil. Once fully operational, the new plant will employ approximately 40 people.
With nearly 700 installed MW, Italy is one of the world’s main producers of geothermal energy, and by far the most important in Europe in terms of this type of clean energy. The nation’s geothermal production is entirely concentrated in Tuscany, currently making it the Italian region with the highest reliance on renewable resources.

In partnership with IlSole24Ore


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