Pisa will host the 20th annual Small Engine Technology Conference dedicated to the small engines industry. On November 18-20, Palazzo dei Congressi will host the SAE 2014 Small Engine Technology Conference & Exhibition (SETC). SAE International is comprised of 148,000 automotive engineers and technicians from the aerospace and commercial vehicle industries in collaboration with its SAE Japan division. The goal is to disseminate at the global level, the information on the emission regulations, on alternative propulsion systems, and on the impact of technology on the environment. The small engines category and applications comprises a wide range of powertrains including but not limited to rotary engines, hybrid engines, Atkinson engines, etc., and applications spanning from ATV’s to scooters and motorcycles, as well as portable generators and lawnmowers. The speakers at the conference will be from the local and international industries, academia, and professionals.
The Conference presents Tuscany with the opportunity to showcase, at the international level, the development of its automotive industry: approximately one thousand companies that find their points of strength in the construction of two – and four – wheel vehicles and in the maritime and railway sectors. It will simultaneously represent a unique chance to enhance the value of the technical and scientific competencies matured on the territory, and consequently attract additional foreign actors from the sector.
SECTS is, in fact, uniquely focusing on the industry of small engines: builders, suppliers and academic researchers from the field – Jay Meldrum, member of the SAE International board of directors, explains in an a video interview (http://video.sae.org/11842/) to present the event – and its principal added value, alongside the high quality of the analyses and studies presented to participants, is the ability to network with various industry and research key players, developing relationships which can grow in the future. The event – which usually organized by rotating through countries from the American, Asian and European continents – returns to Italy after thirteen years.
The 2014 conference will focus on “Small Engines leaning towards enhanced personal mobility”.
These are the reasons why Toscana Promozione in partnership with a committee, today called MOVET, composed by Tuscan Universities, major multinationals in the area and some research centers such as Pont-Tech and Compolab, have decided to submit Tuscany to host again a new edition of the Small Engine Technology Conference.
The Region of Tuscany contributed then to make all of this possible with the financial and institutional support that always provides international promotion through Toscana Promozione.
More info: www.sae.org/events/setc
In partnership with Ilsole24Ore