Tuscany has been ranked first among southern European regions in terms of strategies for foreign direct investment (FDI) according to ‘European Cities and Regions of the Future Rankings’ prepared independently every two years by ‘FDI Magazine,’ which compares data and information on 468 locations for European cities and regions.

Tuscany was also well ranked in a number of other categories: second best southern European region as an investment destination; fifth among medium-sized European regions for strategies for attracting investment; tenth as an investment destination; and finally, ninth among European regions overall for FDI strategies.

Parameters used in the evaluations include: economic potential; labour environment, cost-benefit ratio (cost effectiveness), infrastructure, favourable business environment (business-friendliness) and FDI promotion strategies. The evaluations were performed by an independent panel of leading industry experts.

The awards ceremony will be held on March 12 in Cannes, France during the exhibition ‘MIPIM’ dedicated to real estate investments, where ‘Invest in Tuscany’ will be present with a stand. Winners and results will also be published in the February / March edition of ‘FDI Magazine,’ a leading journal in the field of investment attraction.

‘Invest in Tuscany’ is a project coordinated by the Tuscan Region and implemented by the regional agency Toscana Promozione, whose objective is to encourage, support and develop the entry of foreign capital into the Region. Working in partnership with Municipalities, Provinces, Chambers of Commerce, universities, research centres and national institutions such as Invitalia and ICE, ‘Invest in Tuscany’ is a point of contact for companies and corporations interested in investing in Tuscany.

In October 2013, the site www-stg.investintuscany.com was revamped. It is constantly updated with the latest news.