
The transformation involves a building located in Via Cavour, now not in use; until January 2014 the bulding hosted a bank with bank teller for customers and directional offices at the upper floors. The building, known as Palazzo Bartolommei, has remarkable architectonical characteristics and is subject to architectural heritage protection law. Throughout the years it has been submitted to functional interventions pertaining to its use and inside it presents both decorative and dimensional diversification of the spaces; at the ground floor large and fine common areas can be found, while at the upper floor the space presents lower-level height, windows and finishing. For these characteristics it can have different functions: commercial at the ground floor and mezzanine and directional at the upper floors.

  • Ownership Type: Private 
  • Province: Firenze 
  • Address: Via Camillo Cavour, Firenze FI, Italy 

Floor area

  • Gross Floor Area: 3,000 


  • Retail: 1,200 
  • Services: 1,800 


  • Year of construction: 1800 
  • Restrictions: Area subjected to protection as per Italian Legislative (Decree 42/2004)