Properties of Terme di Montecatini Spa

- Property: Terme di Montecatini S.p.A.
- Availability: Intended for sale by public auction
- Total gross area: 1,393 sqm
- Building: 680 sqm
- Garden: 713 sqm
- Current use: Not in use
- Present condition: Building to be fully restored
- Enlargments: volumetric increase are allowed within the limit of the functional additions as defined by art. 79, paragraph 2, letter. d) No. 3 of L.R. 1/2005 and subsequent amendments, consistent with the whole building and necessary for the use.
- Area subject to protection as per Italian Legislative Decree 42/2004
Marisa Baccaro
+39 0572 778401

Terme di Montecatini - "Ex Bibite Gratuite"
Via Pietro Grocco, 10-12, 51016 Montecatini Terme PT, Italia