Dez 12, 2020 | News
To celebrate this glorious anniversary together and given the extraordinary capabilities that the region of Tuscany has in the field of innovation, Invest in Tuscany decides to publish its first E-book completely in digital format.
Dez 11, 2020 | Multipliers
Studio De Luca & Partners – multiplier Avv. Vittorio De Luca – Managing Partner Avv. Raffaele Di Vuolo – Associate Since the beginning of February 2020, the Italian public authorities have issued several emergency provisions to contain the risk of contagion and...
Dez 9, 2020 | News
To celebrate 10 years of Invest in Tuscany together we publish a wonderful Tuscan journey. Three stories of excellence are the protagonists of this Press Journal.
Dez 3, 2020 | News
Celebrating this first important milestone is an opportunity to be even closer, and we will celebrate it by publishing new and exciting content every day for 10 days.
Okt 22, 2020 | Life Sciences
Invest in Tuscany will attend to Bio Europe Digital 2020, the largest European Life Sciences Conference, taking place on October 26–29. This year’s digital event brings together 2600+ licensing opportunities, 3,000+ executives 1,500+ life science companies from...