Jul 20, 2020 | Multipliers, News
Marco Mazzeschi 1. Some good reasons to invest in Tuscany 2. The Investors’ Visa 3. Other options? Create your own “start-up” company 4. Invest in an existing Start-up 5. Start your own business 6. Investing in real estate 7. How can you obtain permanent residency 8....
Jul 10, 2020 | News, Smart Industry
The results of the tests is very good, with an efficiency greater than 44% and 15% more power. Also the new turbine drastically reduces nitrogen oxide emissions. The tests were also possible thanks to specific investments made by Baker Hughes, with the construction of...
Jul 10, 2020 | Life Sciences, News
The multinational pharmaceutical company reorganizes workspaces according to flexibility and adaptability. July 8, in the Gsk campus of Torre Fiorentina, in Siena, the first stone of the Smart Lab was laid. The new building – which will require an investment of...
Jun 23, 2020 | Agribusiness, News
The group also consists of correspondents from German, Danish, English, Spanish, Russian, Brazilian and Romanian newspapers The press tour of the Tuscany Region will take place in the land of Maremma, Friday June 26, 2020. Participating will be a number of...
Jun 23, 2020 | Multipliers
Claudia Paoletti | Managing Partner Kilpatrick Executive Search At the beginning of this year we discovered that, despite the fact that the year 2019 marked a negative balance for the Italian economy, Tuscany is the only region in Italy in countertrend. In fact, 80...