Enhancing the Tuscany Region’s historical buildings and prestigious assets

Former Sanatorium
Former Registered office

Municipality of Livorno

Former Sanatorium
Former Registered office

Municipality of Livorno

Former Sanatorium
Former Registered office

Municipality of Livorno


  • PROPERTY:ASL Toscana NORDOVEST (Ex ASL 6 Livorno)
  • PROPERTY intended for sale by public auction
  • BUILDINGS: good condition
  • TOTAL GROSS AREA:  7,774 sqm
  • NTENDED USE: areas for existing and planned services and public green.
  • PROPOSED INTENDED USE: Private services for public use or of general interest; residential.
  • Complex bound under Italian Legislative Decree 42/2004

Former Sanatorium
Former Registered office

Municipality of Livorno

Former Sanatorium
Former Registered office

Municipality of Livorno

Former Sanatorium
Former Registered office

Municipality of Livorno

Former Sanatorium – Former Registered office

Via di Monterotondo, 74, 57128 Livorno LI, Italy

Are you interested in buying Properties?

The Regional Government of Tuscany  intends to launch an informal alliance with (subjects) interested in the purchase/enhancing of valuable properties owned by the Region of Tuscany and the Health Authorities of Tuscany.This notice is intended to establish a possible interest to purchase the properties covered by the notice and thus constitutes a simple invitation to express interest in purchasing.